Foot Massage
A foot massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses specifically on the feet, using various techniques to relieve tension and promote relaxation. During a foot massage, Aon's Thai Deep Tissue Massage uses techniques such as kneading, rubbing, and friction to help release tension in the feet and improve circulation.
The massage may also include the use of tools, such as rollers and reflexology charts, to help stimulate pressure points and promote overall relaxation. This type of massage is ideal for individuals who spend a lot of time on their feet, as it helps to relieve fatigue and stress in the feet and lower legs.
A foot massage can be performed with or without the use of oil, and the pressure applied can be adjusted to the client's preferences, making it suitable for individuals of all ages and physical conditions.
£30 for 30 minutes
£45 for 60 minutes
£60 for 75 minutes
£70 for 90 minutes
£90 for 120 minutes
(Free parking and shower facility available)
PLEASE NOTE: This is a professional service and appointment only